Banker2Baker was established by Zulkiflee Mawan in 2016, following a distinguished 25-year career as a banker at the Central Bank of Malaysia. At the age of 50, he made the bold decision to transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, opting for early retirement and embracing a new passion. Despite lacking prior experience in baking or culinary arts, he embarked on a journey to master the craft of cake-making. Seeking knowledge from prestigious institutions such as Le Cordon Bleu and Le Notre in Paris, as well as the International Centre of Cake Artistry in Kuala Lumpur, he honed his skills in cake design and decoration. Today, sugar flowers stand as the hallmark of Banker2Baker, a testament to Zulkiflee’s unwavering dedication and pursuit of excellence in the world of baking.

Inside Banker2Baker’s Fridge

Look for the baker

Klang Valley$$$